Kane International

Safety at home and in business is key to ensuring the welfare of everyone and to that end, we stock an essential Kane flue gas analyser. Ensure your CO2 levels are acceptable and within the boundaries of safety with our Kane analyser. This device is easy to use and it is innovative, as well as being proudly manufactured in the UK by a long-established company with a wealth of experience.
For ease of use our Kane gas analyser is hand-held and the screen immediately displays the results so that you can take further action if needed. It's aimed at use on appliances using different types of fuel including natural gas, butane and propane, as well as heavy oil and solid fuel.
Perfect for domestic and commercial use, there are a range of features as well as an extended warranty provided that the device is serviced annually by Kane. This is an essential piece of equipment that is important to ensure good air quality and a safe environment. It also ensures boilers are functioning correctly and burning fuel efficiently.
Our Kane flue gas analyser can run continuously unlike older and more traditional models which are out of date. This means that if there is a problem with the boiler's performance, it can be quickly rectified. This can conserve energy and reduce household and commercial bills. It's also beneficial for the environment and atmospheric pollution is minimised.
At a time when global warming is a threat, our Kane flue gas analyser can bring a full range of benefits for you and others, in addition to safety. For more information on the products and the Kane analyser calibration, please contact our friendly, professional team.