Robinson Willey

Robinson Willey have been a trusted brand name for sixty years. Although now owned by Glen Dimplex, there are still three families of Robinson Willey gas fire in production - the Sahara, Firecharm and Firegem ranges. Each has an excellent reputation for build quality, longevity and fuel efficiency - achieving 88% efficiency or better. Many older models have years of service left in them, provided that they are serviced regularly. Older models include the Firedream, Firecrown, Firejewl, Super Realm, Firebird, Firecrest, Firedance, Red Admiral and Constellation families.
We sell original Robinson Willey gas fire spare parts whenever possible. However, some Robinson Willey gas fire parts are interchangeable with parts used in other appliances, especially those in the Glen Dimplex family. Glen Dimplex also have a history of reliable appliance designs and also own Belling, Morphy Richards, LEC, Creda, Xpelair, Faber, Valor, Burco and other brands.
The range of Robinson Willey gas fire parts we supply is large and includes fire radiant grills, gas taps, oxy pilots, thermocouples, spark generators, control knobs, fan assemblies, closure plates, trim plates, burner and manifold assemblies, heat exchangers, micro-switches, pressure switches, injectors, flues, gaskets, solenoid valves, frontages and ignition leads.
When trying to identify a replacement Robinson Willey radiant, counting the rows and columns will help, but a Robinson Willey radiant part number would be better. Current models use the T150 and T162 radiants. The T140 is identical with the 915201 that also fits older Firejewl and Firedance models. The T150 radiant is identical with the ones used in some Hoover gas fires (for example the Hoover Highlight).
If you are struggling to identify Robinson Willey gas fire spare parts, feel free to contact our customer service for help. All Robinson Willey gas fire spare parts are guaranteed top quality components.