Gas Safe Labels, Stickers & Tags
Providing clear and unambiguous signage for a range of aspects of a building is vital for its safe occupation by its end users. Informing people that water may be very hot from a tap reduces the risk of burning, thus limiting the likelihood of legal action down the line following any incidents.
We stock a range of informative and advisory stickers, plates and labels to help convey the need for caution, or indeed make clear where gas safety equipment may be in a property. From a gas safe labels pack which will contain a range of warning labels to gas meter labels which make clear the location, or help the end user to know how they should interact with the meter, there are a range of different gas labels available.
Gas labels stickers can convey vital information about the safety of an appliance, showing clearly when and by whom an appliance was serviced, together with their registration number. Conversely, these labels may also be used to denote an unsafe appliance which has been condemned, or needs considerable repairs before being used again.
Gas safety is of paramount importance, installation of advisory labels is essential in helping to ensure that all appliances are kept safe.