Be Modern Gas Fires
Be Modern gas fires are some of the highest quality fireplaces on the market from one of the leading British manufacturers. With over 50 years’ experience behind them, the range includes fires in a variety of materials including marble, timber and limestone. As well as the Be Modern gas fireplace selection, there are also a number of electric and energy-efficient models, including LED fires, available from this highly regarded brand.
Any fireplace you order from Be Modern is built to order, with their designs being both traditional and contemporary to suit many styles of décor. Along with their most popular designs, including the Be Modern Abbey gas fire, you can choose from a number of different finishes. These include micro marble in white and manila. Many of the products available from this brand also come with smartsense lighting underneath the mantel.
Don’t have a chimney or flue? No problem. With Be Modern fireplaces, there are electric suites on offer as well that give off a natural glow, just as a gas fire would. Because there’s such a great range of contemporary and traditional styles as well as slimline options, there really is something for every home when you choose to Be Modern.